Your Organization (required)
Primary Contact: First Name (required)
Primary Contact: Last Name (required)
Primary Contact: Email (required)
Phone (required, numbers only)
Street Address (required)
City (required)
State (required)
Zip Code (required)
Website (where digestate producers can find out more about your testing services) (required)
Upload your organization chart (Word or PDF format). Include number, duty and names of administrative and technical analysts with their qualifications and experience. (required)
Potential conflict(s) of interest (required)
QAQC programs followed by this laboratory. Please list all quality assurance quality control (QAQC) programs (i.e., ISO 72025, TMECC (USCC), State programs) that your lab will follow when testing digestate samples under the ABC Digestate Certification Program. (required)
Physical Space (required) Please identify and quantify laboratory space available for testing digestate samples under the ABC Digestate Certification Program.
Equipment (required) Please list equipment available for testing digestate samples under the ABC Digestate Certification Program.
Maintenance Plans (required) Please describe the maintenance plans followed by your laboratory.
Payment Method - $1300 annually (required) Credit CardCheckInvoice/POWire Transfer
Credit Card Account Number
Credit Card Security Code
Credit Card Expiration - Month
Credit Card Expiration - Year
Name on Card
Verification (required) I, the contact listed above, certify by checking the box below that my organization follows the QAQC Procedures identified on this form and that these procedures will be implemented when performing testing digestate samples under the ABC Digestate Certification Program.